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StateTypeTitleSize PlayedAvg timeRatingYoursYour bestComments
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 110x10386629:05Moderate--2 comments
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 210x101641:21Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 310x101647:24Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 410x101627:34Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 510x101638:30Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 610x101553:29Fiendish--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 710x101641:42Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 810x101635:43Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 910x101630:49Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1010x101650:44Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1110x101633:49Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1210x101639:16Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1310x101645:53Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1410x101637:00Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1510x101649:18Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1610x101641:24Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1710x101645:40Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1810x101641:22Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 1910x101647:42Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2010x101646:05Hard--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2110x101638:33Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2210x101645:03Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2310x101645:12Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2410x101637:00Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2510x101633:46Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2610x101643:35Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2710x101638:34Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2810x101641:18Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 2910x101635:22Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3010x101650:16Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3110x101649:21Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3210x101640:33Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3310x101637:54Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3410x101639:35Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3510x101646:18Moderate--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3610x101647:46Fiendish--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3710x101644:37Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3810x101655:12Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 3910x101638:11Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4010x101635:53Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4110x101642:54Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4210x101634:30Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4310x101648:35Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4410x101645:08Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4510x101647:48Hard--View statistics
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UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4610x101546:55Fiendish--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4710x101647:04Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4810x101639:34Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 4910x101633:34Hard--View statistics
UnplayedJigsawJigsaw Sudoku 5010x101638:21Moderate--View statistics

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The Played column shows how many people have played this puzzle. The Avg time column indicates the average solve time. The Rating column shows the average difficulty rating for this puzzle. The Yours column shows your personal rating, if assigned. Your best shows your personal best time on the puzzle.

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