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Comments and Results for 'Hanjie 870: Rising up'

StateTypeTitleSizePlayedAvg timeRating (#users)YoursYour bestPublishedExpires
UnplayedHanjieHanjie 870: Rising up25x2560714:46Mild (188)Was free until 21st Mar 20237th MarExpired
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Solution time without 'show wrong'

Unaided first solution time
Completed by36 users
Best time without any aid6:58 by suewhitter
Average solve time with no or minor aid15:53
Average solve time with no aid14:14
Average difficulty rating - all players1.9/10.0
Average difficulty rating - no aid1.5/10.0
Average difficulty rating - show wrong or
multiple sessions
21 comments (Add new comment)
Posted 7th Mar 2023 at 08:21
Penelope Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Hi Gareth, What's happened to the rest of today's puzzles?
Posted 7th Mar 2023 at 08:56
NtroP Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
The site was down around midnight today - I imagine the server wasn't able to update with the daily puzzles! This one probably only appeared because the Hanjie appear to be added separately. Last time this happened, I sent him an email and he managed to add them retroactively, so I guess I'll pop one over if the puzzles aren't added this afternoon and then we just have to wait a bit:)
Posted 7th Mar 2023 at 18:06
carlotes Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Thank you very much, Penelope and NtroP
Posted 10th Mar 2023 at 00:05
NtroP Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
I recommend nobody makes the same mistake as me and clicks the link.
10/10 mistake
Posted 10th Mar 2023 at 09:29
Elisabeth Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
I have sent Gareth an email, Ntrop, but he is not responding at present.
Posted 10th Mar 2023 at 14:51
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
I'm so sorry about the link that a user posted above (now deleted). That's the first time that's happened since I launched the site, over a decade and a half ago.

I will modify the posting logic to try and prevent this happening again.

Posted 10th Mar 2023 at 14:52
Last edited by gareth 10th Mar 2023 at 14:54
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Also just to add, to contact me urgently don't email me at puzzlemix since it gets lost in spam and I may not see it for a week or so, but use the contact form on That is heavily filtered for spam first and will be read by me usually within hours. Elisabeth, thanks so much for your email - I appreciate it.
Posted 10th Mar 2023 at 15:09
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Okay - the site will now prevent commenting from users who have not played any puzzles, which should mean that it can't be hit by anyone running a script which posts random junk. If that doesn't work I will set a user threshold so they must have solved a certain number of puzzles or fulfil some other criteria.
Posted 10th Mar 2023 at 16:47
Last edited by soundwater 10th Mar 2023 at 16:48
soundwater Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Gareth, thanks for the info. As you may have already done, you may want to restrict the posting of any links (or embedded links). Restricting to users is a great idea. For those that are not aware, you can hover your cursor over a link and see the actual link where you will be directed if you click it. This works on spam email sender addresses as well. Doing so will protect you and your devices from harm. You may have to turn this function on with some browsers/emails, but it is worth it.
Posted 11th Mar 2023 at 08:06
HollyBlue Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Would it be possible to put the message about using somewhere that's easy to find? I used the "contact puzzle mix" link to report the problem - could that form be amended or have text added to suggest that messages via the other website are more likely to be seen?
Posted 11th Mar 2023 at 12:02
Elisabeth Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Thank you, Gareth, I hope that solves the problem. Perhaps non-subscribers should only be able to comment on a puzzle they have actually completed?? It would be useful if you could incorporate HollyBlue's idea.
Posted 11th Mar 2023 at 13:58
Last edited by gareth 11th Mar 2023 at 14:08
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
You can only comment if you're a logged-in user with access to the puzzle, but it doesn't enforce that you have completed it first because sometimes there are discussions that are independent of the puzzles and I haven't wanted to block that. But I wrote the code for the comments functionality 20 years ago, before puzzlemix itself existed, for an old blog site I used to have. If it happens again I will remove the ability to link to sites - it's occasionally useful but rarely used anyway.

In terms of the contact form, the better solution is for me to implement Google's reCAPTCHA v3 which is entirely hidden from the user but does an amazing job of filtering out spam (by using a script on the page to decide if the user is 'behaving like a human') since all these junk messages are sent by people running automated code; they're incredibly rarely sent by someone actually visiting the page and pasting in the spam message by hand. I've added reCAPTCHA to my other sites to prevent spam signups but somehow that's never been an issue for puzzlemix so I haven't to date (and simply go through the contact form spam by hand once a week or so) - I think I've avoided sign-up spam because all my website code predates every modern library that other people now almost universally use, so it isn't detected by the automatic scraping tools that 'script kiddies' use for spamming.

And finally, I don't want people using my personal contact form for puzzlemix queries that aren't urgent, so I won't be putting that on the general information page for the site. :) I can think of only 2 or 3 cases in the past 18 years when I've urgently needed to hear something about puzzlemix, so it's not that much of an issue in the usual course of events.

Posted 11th Mar 2023 at 21:31
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Sorry, I hadn't realized the site hadn't updated properly on the 7th - I was focused on the rogue link and didn't read the messages before it! Now fixed for the 7th, and I had better alter the way it activates content going forward since for some reason after working perfectly for 18 years it has now oddly failed twice.
Posted 11th Mar 2023 at 21:57
Last edited by gareth 11th Mar 2023 at 22:01
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Okay, the missing puzzles issue is fixed for the future too. I haven't touched this for so many years but I checked and it was set to run a script at midnight to choose puzzles from the pre-uploaded stock. I guess the server has simply never been down at midnight until twice recently, so I've changed it to do it on the hour every hour instead, and also to do it a day in advance rather than at the literal second they need to become available! :) I don't do it any further in advance so I can still easily manually choose puzzles, which I do once a week or so. So going forward the site would have to be down for over 24 hours for them not to be present, and even then when it came up they would appear within an hour.
Posted 12th Mar 2023 at 10:54
Maartje Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Hi Gareth,
Since you seem to be reading here: I have sent a few emails regarding my account and did not get any response, did they get lost in the flood of spam too?


Posted 12th Mar 2023 at 21:29
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Hi Maartje,

I've now replied to your email, and thanks!


Posted 13th Mar 2023 at 13:03
Maartje Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Posted 13th Mar 2023 at 20:24
JoergWausW Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
reading it now:

Somethimes I posted a picture link to show a screen shot of an unfinished puzzle, either because I had a question or to help others - that didn't happen often, but I'd like to be able to this in the future, if needed. Banning links completely would not be my first choice.

Rather allow links only for registered people that have solved at least one (any) puzzle without help - or something like that.

Posted 14th Mar 2023 at 07:04
winterer Daily subscriber Rated puzzle: Easy Best completion time: 8:15 Time on first attempt: 9:00 Used 'show wrong moves'
Guys, please do not conflate hyperlinks with URLs.

What we had here was a hyperlink that was masking the URL with a text. Same principle as rickrolling, just nastier.

I'm all for blocking clickable hyperlinks in a forum to prevent such trickery. I.e., removing the <url> tag from the allowed markup.

Posting a URL as plain text is a different matter. You'd see the domain name, you'd have to copy and past it into the browser's URL bar yourself. Innocuous use cases like Joerg's would still work, just with a tiny bit more effort. Noxious use cases would be obvious, or at least require some (also obvious) URL masking via, e.g.,

Posted 14th Mar 2023 at 15:02
Last edited by gareth 14th Mar 2023 at 15:04
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
Great point, wintererer.

I have now disabled the <url> tag, but as you pointed out there's nothing preventing someone from posting a URL as plain text. The <url> tag remains available for admin users (i.e. me) so I can always update an existing post, once I've checked the link, to make it clickable. So essentially I just need to approve any live links going forward.

Posted 14th Mar 2023 at 18:37
JoergWausW Daily subscriber Has not played this puzzle yet
sounds good to me.

Plain text is always an option, agreed.
If it gets upgraded by gareth, great. If not, it still can be copy-pasted.

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  • A yellow/light blue highlight in the time distribution charts highlights your time, where relevant.
  • Rating scores out of 10.0 show the average difficulty rating chosen by users, where 1.0 is "Easy" and 10.0 is "Hard".
  • If a puzzle is opened more than once, including by loading from a saved position, then this is potentially a significant aid so it is listed as being completed with 'multiple sessions' for the purpose of the best time/average rating displays above.
  • Minor aid is defined as no more than one use of 'Check solution' when incomplete and/or no more than one use of 'Check solution' when wrong; and/or using highlighting aids (show repeated digits, show broken inequalities and show valid/invalid placements [slitherlink] only). Major aid is any and all other use of the solving aids except for 'show wrong'.

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