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Comments and Results for 'Nurikabe 133'

StateTypeTitleSizePlayedAvg timeRating (#users)YoursYour bestPublishedExpires
UnplayedNurikabeNurikabe 13310x109210:35Hard (61)Subscribers only1st Mar-
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Unaided first solution time
Completed by77 users
Best time without any aid3:14 by samboden
Best time with show wrong
or multiple sessions
1:10 by kdbullen
Average solve time with no or minor aid14:17
Average solve time with no aid14:45
Average difficulty rating - all players5.1/10.0
Average difficulty rating - no aid5.5/10.0
Average difficulty rating - minor aid3.3/10.0
Average difficulty rating - major aid4.6/10.0
Average difficulty rating - show wrong or
multiple sessions
6 comments (Add new comment)
Posted 2nd Mar 2020 at 15:13
Rachel Rated puzzle: Hard Completion time: 21:54
Apart from marking black squares around the "1"s, I have no idea how to start this one - any pointers?
Posted 2nd Mar 2020 at 19:24
Last edited by gareth 2nd Mar 2020 at 19:24
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Rated puzzle: Hard Completion time: 9:22
You need to look at 2x2s and which numbers can reach them. For example, above the 4 and just to the right - what can reach there? And if the 4 goes up too far, it cuts the shaded squares off from one another. And what can reach the top centre of the grid, one square down?

From this you can place most of the 12, and work out how the 4 goes. This eventually forces the bottom-right 6, and from there you can flow anticlockwise around the grid - and also then finalise the 12 at a certain point.

It's a very difficult puzzle, but you can solve all of it without having to guess if you use the above logic.

Posted 2nd Mar 2020 at 19:26
Last edited by JoergWausW 2nd Mar 2020 at 19:27
JoergWausW Daily subscriber Completion time: 15:02
I think this is a pretty difficult puzzle that you have to approach by more complex strategies if you don't want to just try. And I think in the end I made a probable guess, too.

Look at this picture:
Pic Hint

The yellow 6 can only reach that far. Below the end of that yellow area are two orange cells (not yet shaded). These two can't be both black, so the 12 area has to go here. Nothing else can. So those four white cells in row 1 are fixed. Not more. You might think the right one of the two has to be white, but that cell might be needed for connecting black areas around the top right 1. Then the 12 area expands one cell more to the left and then one cell down.

Same applies in the bottom right corner: 4 and 6 can't reach enough to the top. Again, there would be a block of 4 black cells if the 12 doesn't go there.

Note: the 4 area can't be that way, because it is blocking of a black cell in the middle. So the 4 has to expand at least one cell in a different direction...

You can do the same steps with the 9 going north.

Maybe this helps you getting started.

edit to add: gareth beat me by two minutes...

Posted 3rd Mar 2020 at 04:49
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Rated puzzle: Hard Completion time: 9:22
But your explanation was obviously much clearer - great work!
Posted 3rd Mar 2020 at 08:32
JoergWausW Daily subscriber Completion time: 15:02
Thank you.

I was surprised to see that you can recolor the numbered cells. But it doesn't work with shaded colors. Great programming!

Posted 3rd Mar 2020 at 10:35
Rachel Rated puzzle: Hard Completion time: 21:54
Thank you both for your help - Joerg your diagram was great, helped me get started. Although I had to guess again at the end but you both reminded me to focus on the 2x2 blacks. Thanks.
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  • Rating scores out of 10.0 show the average difficulty rating chosen by users, where 1.0 is "Easy" and 10.0 is "Hard".
  • If a puzzle is opened more than once, including by loading from a saved position, then this is potentially a significant aid so it is listed as being completed with 'multiple sessions' for the purpose of the best time/average rating displays above.
  • Minor aid is defined as no more than one use of 'Check solution' when incomplete and/or no more than one use of 'Check solution' when wrong; and/or using highlighting aids (show repeated digits, show broken inequalities and show valid/invalid placements [slitherlink] only). Major aid is any and all other use of the solving aids except for 'show wrong'.

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