Elisabeth Daily subscriber Rated puzzle: ModerateCompletion time: 31:53
A nice steady one to start with which I approached with caution and dealt with systematically. It came out without too many problems and I enjoyed doing one of these again. Not suitable if in a hurry!:)
Some bugs. 1. Color of 2 sets of white boxes is very less different, almost similar, so it creates confusion in easy and quick identification. Please make it more different.
2. The current cell "Green" in confirmed entry mode, "Blue" in guess entry mode, clashes with the colors of squares. We have to figure out which cell the cursor focus is, because the color of the cell blends with the color that is in the cell already. Also, if focus is on a different cell, the color of focus cell creates a break in the continuity of the neighboring cells.
Please devise some method so that the focus cell color doesn't create confusion like above. May be a blinking cell of focus...
Posted 10th Jul 2018 at 17:12
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber Has started but not yet finished this puzzle
Hi vsrawat,
I don't disagree with your comments. I mean, they're not technically bugs - just unhelpful design choices. The colours are different, but I accept on some monitors they do look very similar.
The green and blue highlights don't exactly match the region colours, but again are very similar on some monitors. But did you know you can click on it to make it vanish? This can really help with this particular puzzle type, I promise!
I'm not going to change this now - the player has been like this for 10 years - but I do have plans to rewrite the players at some point to use vector-based web techniques rather than rectangular elements.
Posted 11th Jul 2018 at 09:27
Elisabeth Daily subscriber Rated puzzle: ModerateCompletion time: 31:53
I don't see the problem; there is only one white cell split into 3 and on my laptop all colours are quite distinct. Please don't make a change just for the sake of it, I am perfectly content with the present set up here!!
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Last edited by vsrawat 7th Jul 2018 at 08:49
Some bugs.
1. Color of 2 sets of white boxes is very less different, almost similar, so it creates confusion in easy and quick identification.
Please make it more different.
2. The current cell "Green" in confirmed entry mode, "Blue" in guess entry mode, clashes with the colors of squares. We have to figure out which cell the cursor focus is, because the color of the cell blends with the color that is in the cell already. Also, if focus is on a different cell, the color of focus cell creates a break in the continuity of the neighboring cells.
Please devise some method so that the focus cell color doesn't create confusion like above. May be a blinking cell of focus...
I don't disagree with your comments. I mean, they're not technically bugs - just unhelpful design choices. The colours are different, but I accept on some monitors they do look very similar.
The green and blue highlights don't exactly match the region colours, but again are very similar on some monitors. But did you know you can click on it to make it vanish? This can really help with this particular puzzle type, I promise!
I'm not going to change this now - the player has been like this for 10 years - but I do have plans to rewrite the players at some point to use vector-based web techniques rather than rectangular elements.
You can however view other players' statistics and their comments in the tables above.